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Collect Omnichannel Feedback, Leverage Every Touchpoint

Pisano's wide range of feedback collection channels empower you to turn every interaction into data-driven decisions and never miss an opportunity to connect with your customers and employees.

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A Platform That Was Born Omnichannel

Omnichannel isn't just a feature; it's the DNA of Pisano.  Choose the perfect channels to connect with your customers today, and easily integrate new ones tomorrow, all within a unified feedback ecosystem.

Direct Feedback Collection Channels

Reach your customers where they are and get instant feedback. Direct survey distribution channels offer personalized, two-way communication to build stronger relationships and respond to customer needs in real-time.

Transactional Channels

Gain immediate insights into customer sentiment following critical touchpoints like purchases, deliveries, or service interactions.

Transactional (1)
Email Target customers post-purchase or interaction with personalized surveys. Tailor your feedback requests to specific events or triggers, ensuring timely and relevant feedback.
Reach customers instantly on their mobile devices for quick, convenient feedback. Leverage SMS surveys to gather opinions on the go and get a pulse on customer satisfaction.
Link Offer customers an easy way to share their thoughts and opinions by providing direct links to your surveys. Embed links in emails, receipts, or social media for easy survey access.

Connect with customers where they're already active. Leverage the power of WhatsApp Business with a provider integration to create personalized feedback flows and engage customers in real-time conversations.

Digital Channels

Transform your digital touchpoints into powerful feedback engines. Optimize the digital customer experience across devices and platforms by gathering insights from every click, tap, and interaction.

Mobile Apps Collect feedback from your mobile app users with in-app surveys and feedback forms. Understand their behavior, preferences, and pain points with just a few clicks.
Web Widgets
Make feedback a natural part of your website experience with interactive, customizable feedback widgets. Encourage visitors to share their opinions without leaving your website.
Digital QR Connect digital experiences with online surveys by embedding QR codes in emails, websites, or app screens. Provide a convenient way for customers to access surveys on their smartphones.
Push Notification Send targeted push notifications to your mobile app users to request feedback at opportune moments. Increase response rates and gather timely insights directly from your app.

Physical Channels

Reach customers in real-world settings, ensuring no voice goes unheard, and capturing feedback from those who may not engage online.

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Kiosk Empower customers to share feedback on-site through intuitive kiosk interfaces. Place interactive kiosks in your retail locations, restaurants, or event spaces to capture immediate feedback on the customer experience.
Physical QR
Bridge the gap between physical and digital with QR codes placed on receipts, brochures, posters, product packaging, or table tents.
CATI Conduct in-depth interviews to uncover rich, qualitative insights from your customers. Gain deeper understanding of customer perceptions and uncover complex issues through phone-based surveys and interviews.

Indirect Feedback Collection Channels

Gain a 360-degree view of customer sentiment across external platforms. Go beyond direct feedback and uncover a wealth of insights from online reviews and app store ratings.  

Application Stores

Monitor mobile application store reviews, ratings, and comments to benchmark your performance, understand user expectations, and make data-driven decisions to stay ahead.


App store
Android Play Store
Track reviews, ratings, and feedback from Android users to understand their experiences and identify areas for improvement
IOS App Store
Monitor IOS user reviews, ratings, and feedback to gain insights into their satisfaction and pinpoint aspects of your app or product that could be enhanced.

Online Review Platforms

Listen to the complaints and suggestions your customers don't say directly to you. Effortlessly integrate with the review platform you trust and harness the power of AI-based text analytics to understand customer sentiment and build a positive brand image.
Online Review
Integrate with Turkey's leading consumer complaint platform to monitor and respond to customer feedback, addressing concerns and building trust.
Pisano recognized as a

Customers’ Choice for Voice of the Customer Platforms on Gartner Peer Insights™

Pisano met or exceeded the market average Overall Experience and market average User Interest and Adoption.
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A Leader in Voice of the Customer Market

"Pisano provides a comprehensive VoC platform to gather, analyze, and interpret consumer feedback data that enables organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their consumers, resulting in better decision-making and increased customer satisfaction.''
Preshit Parab Analyst, at Quadrant Knowledge Solutions
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