
Create a Net Promoter Score Survey from Scratch

Written by Siyavash Heidari | Mar 17, 2022 12:45:00 PM

Net Promoter Score, better known among the experts as NPS, is one of the most popular ways of acquiring feedback about a business. It is a valuable tool of experience management that makes a company more capable of knowing how successfully their customer experience strategies have performed, using a simple survey.

NPS is considered as one of the most straightforward experience metrics due to the fact that it does not engage the respondents with perplexity. To learn more about this powerful yet simple experience metric, you can check out our article Everything you need to know about Net Promoter Score.

If you consider utilizing NPS and its potential to find out more about your company’s performance, you will need to run an NPS campaign. To do so, the very first step is to create a Net Promoter Score Survey. Then you need to deliver it to your customers or employees, depending on whether you are calculating the NPS or eNPS, and ensure that they will respond to your NPS survey. The last step of the process will be gathering and cleaning up the data, calculating the results, and interpreting it.

This article from Pisano Academy will talk about the Net Promoter Score Survey. We will discuss what a good NPS survey will look like and how you can hassle-freely deliver it to your potential respondents.

Net Promoter Score Survey

Every Net Promoter Score survey is based on a simple question, whether it is designed to measure the customer NPS or employee NPS. This ultimate question is:  

“How likely are you to recommend the company to a friend a colleague?”

The respondents will be asked to answer the question with a number from 0 to 10, and then based on their responses, their loyalty to the brand can be calculated. To learn more about the categorization and calculations of NPS, check out our article on NPS calculation.

As the NPS survey is short and straightforward, it can be easily created and delivered. You only need to provide it to your respondents in the right channel and wait for the responses to come back to you.

Create the NPS Survey

The creation of the Net Promoter Score survey depends on the channel you are using to deliver it to your customer or employee. You can even design multiple surveys to deliver to different respondents.

For example, you can design a web page and share the link with your customers through emails and SMSs, send the question directly to them via SMS, or even ask them in person. The most important part is to find the best solution for every channel.

You also need to make sure of the highest participation rate possible while cutting down the duplications and receiving a set of clean data in spite of numerous channels used.  

An Omnichannel Solution for NPS Survey 

One of the most efficient paths to take to ensure your NPS survey will lead you to an accurate result without wasting time and energy is to use the available tools. These tools can help you ask your customers or employees the ultimate question, gather the responses and find out about the results so that you no longer need to take care of every aspect of the process yourself. 

Besides a lot of other features, metrics and surveys, Pisano is a robust, omnichannel solution for NPS surveys. It provides you with an enhanced dashboard to control and manage your NPS campaign, along with every other experience management process you may need.