
Net Promoter Score Examples: How to Analyze NPS Surveys’ Results

Written by Siyavash Heidari | Mar 11, 2022 12:42:00 PM

Net Promoter Score is one of the most popular metrics used in order to assess a business’ customer loyalty and satisfaction. As this indicator is easy to calculate and the path taken to gather data for it is simple and straightforward, there are numerous examples of companies from different sectors and all around the globe that nowadays use Net Promoter Score among their primary customer experience and employee experience evaluation metrics.

The NPS data is gathered through “one” direct question asked from the customers or employees of a company. They are asked to rate how willing they are to recommend the business to their close friends and family members. This can simply show how satisfied the respondent is with the services received from the company and, at the same time, what a business can gain from the word-of-mouth promotion opportunities.  

The response is a number in the range of 0, which shows the least likely person in terms of recommendation, to 10, indicating someone who is so satisfied and loyal that they will act as a brand ambassador for the business. To learn more about NPS results and its formula, check out our article on how to calculate Net Promoter Score.

In this article from Pisano Academy, we will take a look at some Net Promoter Score examples and see how a sample NPS survey result can show us. We also will dive deeper to analyze these NPS examples.  

Net Promoter Score Examples Analyzed

In this section, we will take a look at some examples of NPS surveys. All the data used here are imaginary and used to show how the analysis can be done. For every example, we first walked through a similar path, gathered data from respondents, cleaned them up and then classified them into three different groups of detractors, passives and promoters.

  • Detractors: The respondents whose answers were between 0 to 6.
  • Passives: Those who answered either 7 or 8.
  • Promoters: Those who responded to the question with one of the numbers 9 and 10.

In the last stage, the results of the examples had been put in the NPS formula to reach the final result:

NPS= Promoter % – Detractor %

Our article on NPS calculation shows all steps mentioned in detail.

Net Promoter Score Example 1

The first example survey contains the following data:

  • Detractors: 27%
  • Passives: 52%
  • Promoters: 21%

NPS= -6%

The negative NPS itself shows how bad the situation is. Apart from the low percentage of promoters and high rate of detractors that caused this situation, the remarkable percentage of passives is something the business should really work on. By gaining passives’ trust and providing them with a better experience, the company can significantly improve its NPS and, subsequently, its customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Net Promoter Score Example 2

  • Detractors: 19%  
  • Passives: 27%
  • Promoters: 54%

NPS= 35%

According to Bain & Co., the developers of NPS, an acceptable NPS score is between +30% to +40%. 

This NPS example perfectly fits in that range and it shows the business’ customer satisfaction strategies have successfully been performed. However, in order to obtain more excellence in customer loyalty, it can work on converting passives to promoters.